Here is a sneak peak at some of the 2009 Specialized Langsters. For the new year the big red ‘S’ added Las Vegas, Tokyo, and San Francisco to the fixed gear, city-themed line-up. These bikes always have fun touches. The Vegas ride has a gold stem and brake calipers which add a touch of gaudy class. Straight-up Vegas baby!
where'd you get these images? thanks...
As a Langster owner, I can safely say that they are pretty fugly bikes.
I think the Monaco is by far the best of the bunch for 2009 - classic Martini Racing design.
as a langster owner, you're a straight up dumbass :-)
why is evryone so agaist the Langster??
because they don't know any better and think their opinion covers everyone's riding style and needs.
Langsters have an opinion? I've had mine two years and it's never expressed one. How do I make it talk?
its not a IRO fixed.., but i'm waiting for My Las Vegas langster to arrive at my shop in a 52 cm. and i can't wait....it's not custom, but specialized is paying attention and they got it right with this model. the langster gets better every year
I don't know if the Langster gets better every year, but it certainly gets more expensive every year.
just a question...i just ordered a langster, dose the flip flop hub come equipped with a cog on both sides?
i will be riding it as a fixie and just want to know wether or not im going to have to buy a cog for the fixed side.
The '09s come with both a track cog and a freewheel so you should be set out of the box.
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